Beiträge von Horin im Thema „Die meisten Menschen werden als Tier, Hungergeist oder Höllenwesen wiedergeboren!“

    in meinem Blog habe ich letztens genau über dieses Thema geschrieben:

    [...]the common idea seems to be that good, wholesome deeds will lead to a rebirth with good conditions in next lifes. as a human being, or maybe a rebirth in asura realm (jealous gods) or the god realm. the ultimate goal is to escape from samsara, nirvana.

    bad actions, may lead to rebirth in worse conditions as a human, a rebirth as an animal, a rebirth into the preta (hungry ghosts) realm or worst, into one of the hell realms.

    personally, i dont believe in this ideas, although i wont say its nonsense. i simply have no memories of previous lifes, and no experiences from first hand. at least i think its irrelevant for this life.

    rather i understand this idea to this present life. so we are experiencing all kind of realms in our life as humans. caused by our reactions to the poisons of mind, greed/graving, aversion/hate and ignorance/delusion, we were born from time to time into the realm of the hungry ghosts, like an addict that is driven by the urge to satisfy his addictions, when we are ignorant, we are not able to reflect, we are born in the animal realm, or we be reborn in the asura realm, deeply into jealousy and competition with others. i think, with this understanding, everybody has own experiences with the hell realm in some way as well. also, we surely experienced the gods realm, moments of bliss, and happyness. most of the time i think, we usually live in the human realm, full of doubts, desires and passion, but still with good conditions to be open enough to learn the dharma and walk the buddha way.

    so its our responsibility to do good and wholesome actions, not to be born into good conditions and realms, but not to create hells and bad realms for us and others.

    this way we dont have to worry about possible next lifes after death, we just do our best this life, be virtuous, generous, compassionate and practice well…