Beiträge von verrückter-narr im Thema „Buddhistische Texte zum Thema Fleisch“

    auf dieser Webseite finden sich etliche Textstellen aus dem Palikanon zum Fleischverzehr und dem Töten von Tieren:


    In folgenden Mahayana-Sutras finden sich entsprechende Textstellen:
    Brahmajala - Sutra


    Die 48 geringeren, ergänzenden Gelübde der Bodhisattvas

    3. Kein Fleisch essen - und zwar aus Mitgefühl mit den lebenden Wesen.

    (Ausnahme: aus medizinischen Gründen, oder in Situationen, in denen andere Nahrung nicht zur Verfügung steht).

    Der Bodhisattva-Weg

    Mahaparinirvana - Sutra


    Then Bodhisattva Kasyapa said to the Buddha: "O World-Honoured One! To one who

    eats flesh, we should not give flesh. Why not? I see a great virtue arising out of abstention from

    eating flesh." The Buddha praised Kasyapa and said: "Well said, well said! You now come to

    know my mind well. A Bodhisattva who protects Dharma should be thus. O good man! From

    now on, I do not permit my sravaka disciples to eat meat. When receiving from a danapati a

    pristine dana [gift] of faith, think that one is eating the flesh of one’s own son." Bodhisattva

    Kasyapa said further to the Buddha: "O World-Honoured One! Why is it that the Tathagata

    does not allow us to eat meat?" "O good man! “One who eats meat kills the seed of great


    Kasyapa said again: "Why did you first allow the bhiksus to eat three kinds of pure

    meat?" "O Kasyapa! These three kinds of pure meat were so instituted following the need of

    the occasion." Bodhisattva Kasyapa said again to the Buddha: "O World-Honoured One! In

    what circumstances do you not allow the ten impurities or the nine kinds of what is pure?"

    The Buddha said to Kasyapa: "This also is permitted by gradual steps following the need of

    the occasion. This is what applies in the actual segregation from eating meat." Bodhisattva

    Kasyapa said further to the Buddha: "Why is it that the flesh of fish is praised and called

    beautiful?" "O good man! I do not say that the flesh of fish is a beautiful food. I say that

    sugar can, non-glutinous rice, rock candy, black rock candy, all kinds of wheat, honey, milk,

    cream, and oil are beautiful foods. Various kinds of clothing material can be stocked, but what

    can be stocked is those whose colour has faded. How could one greedily stick to [crave after]

    the flesh of fish?" Kasyapa said again to the Buddha: "If the Tathagata means to prohibit the

    eating of meat, such things as the five kinds of flavours as milk, cream, fresh butter, clarified

    butter, and sarpirmanda, all kinds of clothing, silk cloth, horse-shoe shell, hide and leather,

    bowls of gold and silver should not be received."

    Lankavatara Sutra

    Shurangama Sutra

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